TOP 6 CVS Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf fresher and experienced

Read the most frequently asked 6 top CVS multiple choice questions and answers PDF for freshers and experienced. CVS objective questions and answers pdf download free.

CVS Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Experienced Freshers

1. What are these messages about .DS_Store files?
If you're using MacOS X, CVS may give you messages about ".DS_Store" files. These are used to keep track of window layouts, etc. To suppress these messages, just create a file in your home directory called ".cvsignore" and add a line of ".DS_Store" to it (no quotes). CVS will then ignore all .DS_Store files in all of your checked-out directory trees.

2. How do I update an existing copy of the source to the current version?
As the common code changes, you might want to update your copy to contain the lastest version. To do that, use: cvs -q update Any changes will be merged into the files on your disk, and you should then be up-to-date with your own changes still present. The "-q" option removes a lot of informational messages as CVS enters the various directories in the project; the command still works if you omit it, but it will be harder to see any real error messages.

3. How can I bring my copy of the JMRI code up to date?
People contribute updates to the JMRI code almost every week. Your local copy doesn't get these changes until you ask for them, so that you've got something stable to work with. If you have an existing copy of the code and want to update it to the most recent contents of CVS, the CVS command is: cvs -q update -dA

4. How do I get a copy of CVS?
Many computers come with CVS installed, including Linux and MacOS X. If you're using Windows, you will need to install a CVS "client" program like WinCVS. A recent version can be downloaded from:

5. How can I get my own copy of the JMRI code?
To get a copy of the source for your own use, you can use "anonymous checkout". For a command line cvs client, make a new directory for the project, change to it, and tell CVS you exist with cvs login This "login" line is only needed once; after that, it is remembered on your local machine. You may be asked for a password. If so, just hit return, as the empty password will be accepted. You can then get a copy of the code with cvs co all If you're using a GUI-based client like WinCVS, pull down the "admin" menu and select "command line" to get a place to type these commands. On other computers, you can type them directly on the command line.

6. How can I bring my copy of JMRI code up to date?
People contribute updates to the JMRI code almost every week. Your local copy doesn't get these changes until you ask for them, so that you've got something stable to work with. If you have an existing copy of the code and want to update it to the most recent contents of CVS, the CVS command is: cvs -q update -dA


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