TOP 70 Rational Robot Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf fresher and experienced

Read the most frequently asked 70 top Rational Robot multiple choice questions and answers PDF for freshers and experienced. Rational Robot objective questions and answers pdf download free.

Rational Robot Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Experienced Freshers

1. What Is Rational Robot?
Rational Robot is a complete set of components for automating the testing

of Microsoft Windows client/server and Internet applications.
The main component of Robot lets you start recording tests in as few as

two mouse clicks. After recording, Robot plays back the tests in a

fraction of the time it would take to repeat the actions manually.

2. How to create a verification point?
1. Do one of the following:
. If recording, click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI

Record toolbar.
. If editing, position the pointer in the script and click the Display

GUI Insert Toolbar button on the Standard toolbar.
2. Click a verification point button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
3. In the Verification Point Name dialog box, edit the name as

appropriate. The name can be a maximum of 20 characters.
4. Optionally, set the Wait state options. For information, see the next

section, Setting a Wait State for a Verification Point.
5. Optionally, set the Expected result option.
6. Click OK.

3. What is A verification point?
A verification point is a point in a script that you create to confirm

the state of an object across builds of the application-under-test.

4. How to analyz results in the log and comparators?
You use TestManager to view the logs that are created when you run

scripts and schedules.
Use the log to:
--View the results of running a script, including verification point

failures, procedural failures, aborts, and any additional playback

information. Reviewing the results in the log reveals whether each script

and verification point passed or failed.
Use the Comparators to:
--Analyze the results of verification points to determine why a script

may have failed. Robot includes four Comparators:
.Object Properties Comparator
.Text Comparator
.Grid Comparator
.Image C omparator

5. What is datapool?
A datapool is a source of variable test data that scripts can draw from

during playback.
Rational Robot Questions and Answers:

6. What is Rational Administrator?
Use the Rational Administrator to:
* create and manage projects.
* Create a project under configuration management.
* Create a project outside of configuration management.
* Connect to a project.
* See projects that are not on your machine (register a project).
* Delete a project.
* Create and manage users and groups for a Rational Test datastore.
* Create and manage projects containing Rational RequisitePro projects

and Rational Rose models.
* Manage security privileges for the entire Rational project.
* Configure a SQL Anywhere database server.

7. What is TestFactory?
Rational TestFactory is a component-based testing tool that automatically

generates TestFactory scripts according to the application’s navigational

structure. TestFactory is integrated with Robot and its components to

provide a full array of tools for team testing under Windows NT 4.0,

Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows 95.
With TestFactory, you can:
--Automatically create and maintain a detailed map of the application-

--Automatically generate both scripts that provide extensive product

coverage and scripts that encounter defects, without recording.
--Track executed and unexecuted source code, and report its detailed

--Shorten the product testing cycle by minimizing the time invested in

writing navigation code.
--Play back Robot scripts in TestFactory to see extended code coverage

information and to create regression suites; play back TestFactory

scripts in Robot to debug them.

8. TestManagers wizard?
TestManager has a wizard that you can use to copy or import test scripts

and other test assets (Datapools) from one project to another.

9. How to delete a verification point and its associated files?
1. Right-click the verification point name in the Asset (left) pane and

click Delete.
2. Click the top of the script in the Script (right) pane.
3. Click Edit > Find.
4. Type the name of the deleted verification point in the Find what box.
5. Click Find Next.
6. Delete the entire line, which starts with Result=.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have deleted all references.

10. How to rename a verification point and its associated files?
1. Right-click the verification point name in the Asset (left) pane and

click Rename.
2. Type the new name and press ENTER.
3. Click the top of the script in the Script (right) pane.
4. Click Edit > Replace.
5. Type the old name in the Find what box. Type the new name in the

Replace with box.
6. Click Replace All.

11. What is an identification method?
An identification method tells Robot how to identify the values to

compare during record and playback.

12. What is verification method?
The verification method specifies how Robot compares the baseline data

captured while recording with the data captured during playback.

13. What are two verification points for use with Web sites?
1. Use the Web Site Scan verification point to check the content of your

Web site with every revision and ensure that changes have not resulted in

2. Use the Web Site Compare verification point to capture a baseline of

your Web site and compare it to the Web site at another point in time.

14. How to add a wait state when creating a verification point?
1. Start to create the verification point.
2. In the Verification Point Name dialog box, select Apply wait state to

verification point.
3. Type values for the following options: Retry every - How often Robot

retries the verification point during playback. Robot retries until the

verification point passes or until the timeout limit is reached.
Timeout after - The maximum amount of time that Robot waits for the

verification point to pass before it times out. If the timeout limit is

reached and the verification point has not passed, Robot enters a failure

in the log. The script playback either continues or stops based on the

setting in the Error Recovery tab of the GUI Playback Options dialog box.

15. Verification point type?
Captures and tests alphanumeric data in Windows objects that contain

text, such as edit boxes, check boxes, group boxes, labels, push buttons,

radio buttons, toolbars, and windows (captions).
2. Clipboard:
Captures and compares alphanumeric data that has been copied to the

3. File Comparison:
Compares two specified files during playback.
4. File Existence:
Verifies the existence of a specified file during playback.
5. Menu:
Captures and compares the menu title, menu items, shortcut keys, and the

state of selected menus.
6. Module Existence:
Verifies whether a specified module is loaded into a specified context

(process), or is loaded anywhere in memory.
7. Object Data
Captures and compares the data inside standard Windows objects.
8. Object Properties
Captures and compares the properties of standard Windows objects.
9. Region Image
Captures a region of the screen as a bitmap.
10. Web Site Compare
Captures a baseline of a Web site and compares it to the Web site at

another point in time.
11. Web Site Scan
Checks the contents of a Web site with every revision and ensures that

changes have not resulted in defects.
12. Window Existence:
Verifies the existence and status of a specified window during playback.
13. Window Image:
Captures a window as a bitmap.

16. What is Rational SiteCheck?
Rational SiteCheck to test the structural integrity of your intranet or

World Wide Web site. SiteCheck is designed to help you view, track, and

maintain your rapidly changing site. Use SiteCheck to:
* Visualize the structure of your Web site and display the relationship

between each page and the rest of the site.
* Identify and analyze Web pages with active content, such as forms,

Java, JavaScript, ActiveX, and Visual Basic Script (VBScript).
* Filter information so that you can inspect specific file types and

defects, including broken links.
* Examine and edit the source code for any Web page, with color-coded

* Update and repair files using the integrated editor, or configure your

favorite HTML editor to perform modifications to HTML files.
* Perform comprehensive testing of secure Web sites. SiteCheck provides

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) support, proxy server configuration, and

support for multiple password realms.

17. How to create a datapool?
When creating a datapool, you specify the kinds of data (called data

types) that the script will send for example, customer names, addresses,

and unique order numbers or product names. When you finish defining the

datapool, TestManager automatically generates the number of rows of data

that you specify.

18. What two kind of GUI scripts using Rational Robot?
1. functional testing
2. sessions for performance testing.

* Perform full functional testing. Record and play back scripts that

navigate through your application and test the state of objects through

verification points.
* Perform full performance testing. Use Robot and TestManager together to

record and play back sessions that help you determine whether a multi-

client system is performing within user-defined standards under varying

* Create and edit scripts using the SQABasic and VU scripting

environments. The Robot editor provides color-coded commands with keyword

Help for powerful integrated programming during script development. (VU

scripting is used with sessions in performance testing.)
* Test applications developed with IDEs such as Java, HTML, Visual Basic,

Oracle Forms, Delphi, and PowerBuilder. You can test objects even if they

are not visible in the application’s interface.
* Collect diagnostic information about an application during script

playback. Robot is integrated with Rational Purify, Rational Quantify,

and Rational PureCoverage. You can play back scripts under a diagnostic

tool and see the results in the log.

19. Which products does Rational Robot Installs with?
ClearQuest - Change-Request management tool that tracks and manages

defects and change requests through the development process.
Rational LogViewer and Comparators- are the tools you use to view logs

and test results created when you playback scripts.
Rational Robot - is the tool that you used to develop both GUI and VU

(virtual user) scripts.
SQL Anywhere - A database product to help create, maintain and run your

Rational repositories.
Rational Test Manager - is the component that you use to plan your tests,

manage your test asses, and run queries and reports.
Rational Administrator - is the component that you use to create and

manage repositories.
Rational SiteCheck - is the component that you use to test the structural

integrity of your intranet or www site.
Additional Rational Products available only with Rational Suite

TestStudio or PerformanceStudio:
Test Factory - Component based testing tool that automatically generates

TestFactory scripts according to the applications navigational structure.
Diagnostic Tools
Rational Purify - is a comprehensive C/C++ run time error checking tool.
Rational Visual Quantify - is an performance profiler that provides

performance analysis of a product, to aid in improving performance of the

Rational Visual PureCoverage - is a customizable code coverage analysis

tool that provides detailed application analysis and ensure that all code

has been exercised.
Performance Studio - Tool used for automating performance tests on

client/server systems.

20. How to set the expected result when creating a verification point?
1. Start to create a verification point.
2. In the Verification Point Name dialog box, click Pass or Fail.

21. How to select the object to test?
1. Start creating the verification point.
2. In the Verification Point Name dialog box, type a name and cl ick OK

to open the Select Object dialog box.
3. Do one of the following:
. Select Automatically close dialog box after object selection to have

the Select Object dialog box close after you select the object to test.
.Clear Automatically close dialog box after object selection to have the

Select Object dialog box reappear after you select the object to test.

You will need to click OK to close the dialog box. To select a visible

object directly from the application, continue with step 4. To select an

object from a list of all objects on the desktop, skip to step 5.
4. To select a visible object directly from the application, drag the

Object Finder tool over the object and release the mouse button.
5. To select a visible or hidden object from a list of all objects on the

Windows desktop, click Browse to open the Object List dialog box. Select

the object from the list and click OK.

22. Eight verification methods?
1. Case-Sensitive - Verifies that the text captured during recording

exactly matches the captured text during playback.
2. Case-Insensitive - Verifies that the text captured during recording

matches the captured text during playback in content but not necessarily

in case.
3. Find Sub String Case-Sensitive - Verifies that the text captured

during recording exactly matches a subset of the captured text during

4. Find Sub String Case-Insensitive - Verifies that the text captured

during recording matches a subset of the captured text during playback in

content but not necessarily in case.
5. umeric Equivalence - Verifies that the values of the data captured

during recording exactly match the values captured during playback.
6. Numeric Range - Verifies that the values of the data captured during

recording fall within a specified range during playback. You specify the

From and To values for the numeric range. During playback, the

verification point verifies that the numbers are within that range.
7. User-Defined and Apply a User-Defined DLL test function - Passes text

to a function within a dynamic-link library (DLL) so that you can run

your own custom tests. You specify the path for the directory and name of

the custom DLL and the function. The verification point passes or fails

based on the result that it receives back from the DLL function.
8. Verify that selected field is blank - Verifies that the selected field

contains no text or numeric data. If the field is blank, the verification

point passes.

23. Is there four identification methods?
1. By Content - to verify that the recorded values exist during playback.
2. By Location - to verify that the recorded values exist in the same

locations during playback.
3. By Title - to verify that the recorded values remain with their titles

(names of menus or columns) during playback, even though the columns may

have changed locations.
4. By Key/Value - to verify that the recorded values in a row remain the

same during playback.

24. How to copy a verification point?
1. Right-click the verification point in the Asset (left) pane and click

2. In the same script or in a different script (in the same project),

right-click Verification Points in the Asset pane.
3. Click Paste to paste a copy of the verification point and its

associated files into the project. If a verification point with that name

already exists, Robot appends a unique number to the name. You can also

copy and paste by dragging the verification point to Verification Points

in the Asset pane.
4. Click the top of the Script (right) pane of the original script.
5. Click Edit > Find and locate the line with the verification point name

that you just copied.
6. Select the entire line, which starts with Result=.
7. Click Edit > Copy.
8. Return to the script that you used in step 2. Click the location in

the script where you want to paste the line. Click Edit > Paste.
9. Change the name of the verification point to match the name in the

Asset pane.

25. What is TestManager?
Rational TestManager is the one place to manage all testing activities--

planning, design, implementation, execution, and analysis. TestManager

ties testing with the rest of the development effort, joining your

testing assets and tools to provide a single point from which to

understand the exact state of your project.
Test Manager supports five testing activities:
1. Plan Test.
2. Design Test.
3. Implement Test.
4. Execute Tests.
5. Evaluate Tests.

26. What is Test Requirements?
Test requirements are defined in the Requirement Hierarchy in

TestManager. The requirements hierarchy is a graphical outline of

requirements and nested child requirements.
Requirements are stored in the requisite pro database. Requisite Pro is a

tool that helps project teams control the development process by managing

and tracking the changes of requirements.
TestManager includes a baseline version of Requisite Pro. The full

version with more features and customizations is available in the

Rational Suite TestStudio.

27. How TestManager manage test logs?
When a robot scripts runs the output creates a test log. Test logs are

managed now is the TestManager application. Rational now allows you to

organize your logs into any type of format you need.
You can create a directory structures that suites your need Create build

names for each build version (or development) Create folders in which to

put the build in.

28. What is ClearQuest?
Rational ClearQuest is a change-request management tool that tracks and

manages defects and change requests throughout the development process.

With ClearQuest, you can manage every type of change activity associated

with software development, including enhancement requests, defect

reports, and documentation modifications.
With Robot and ClearQuest, you can:
-- Submit defects directly from the TestManager log or SiteCheck.
-- Modify and track defects and change requests.
-- Analyze project progress by running queries, charts, and reports.

29. How to modify or delete a custom class name?
1. Click Tools > General Options, and then click the Object Mapping tab.
2. From the Object type list, select the standard object type that is

associated with the object class name. Robot displays the class names

already available for that object type in the Object classes list.
3. From the Object classes list, select the name to modify or delete.
4. Do one of the following:
. To modify the class name, click Modify. Change the name and click OK.
. To delete the object class mapping, click Delete. Click OK at the

confirmation prompt.
5. Click OK.

30. How to create a new object order preference?
1. In an ASCII editor, create an empty text file with the extension .ord.
2. Save the file in the Dat folder of the project.
3. Click To o l s > G UI R e c o r d O p t i o n s .
4. Click the Object Recognition Order tab.
5. From the Object order preferences list, select the name of the file

you created.
6. Change the method order to customize your preferences.

31. How to change the object order preference?
1. Open the GUI Record Options dialog box.
2. Click the Object Recognition Order tab.
3. Select a preference in the Object order preference list.
4. Click OK or change other options.

32. Setting GUI Recording Options?
1. Open the GUI Record Options dialog box by doing one of the following:
--Before you start recording, click Tools > GUI Record Options.
-- Start recording by clicking the Record GUI Script button on the

In the Record GUI dialog box, click Options.
2. Set the options on each tab.
3. Click OK.

33. Rational diagnostic tools?
Use the Rational diagnostic tools to perform runtime error checking,

profile application performance, and analyze code coverage during

playback of a Robot script.
* Rational Purify is a comprehensive C/C++ run-time error checking tool

that automatically pinpoints run-time errors and memory leaks in all

components of an application, including third-party libraries, ensuring

that code is reliable.
* Rational Quantify is an advanced performance profiler that provides

application performance analysis, enabling developers to quickly find,

prioritize and eliminate performance bottlenecks within an application.
* Rational PureCoverage is a customizable code coverage analysis tool

that provides detailed application analysis and ensures that all code has

been exercised, preventing untested code from reaching the end-user.

34. TestManager can be used for Performance Testing?
Rational Testmanager is a sophisticated tool that can be used for

automating performance tests on client/server systems. A client/server

system includes client applications accessing a database or application

server, and browsers accessing a Web server.
Performance testing uses Rational Robot and Rational TestManager. Use

Robot to record client/server conversations and store them in scripts.

Use TestManager to schedule and play back the scripts. During playback,

TestManager can emulate hundreds, even thousands, of users placing heavy

loads and stress on your database and Web servers.

35. What is RequisitePro?
Rational RequisitePro is a requirements management tool that helps

project teams control the development process. RequisitePro organizes

your requirements by linking Microsoft Word to a requirements repository

and providing traceability and change management throughout the project


36. How to set GUI recording option?
To set the GUI recording options:
1. Open the GUI Record Options dialog box by doing one of the following:

. Before you start recording, click Tools > GUI Record Options. . Start

recording by clicking the Record GUI Script button on the toolbar. In the

Record GUI dialog box, click Options.
2. Set the options on each tab.
3. Click OK.

37. How to Control Robot Responds to Unknown Objects?
1. Open the GUI Record Options dialog box.
2. In the General tab, do one of the following:
-- Select Define unknown objects as type Generic to have Robot

automatically associate unknown objects encountered while recording with

the Generic object type.
-- Clear Define unknown objects as type Generic to have Robot suspend

recording and open the Define Object dialog box if it encounters an

unknown object during recording. Use this dialog box to associate the

object with an object type.
3. Click OK or change other options.

38. How to defining an Object Class Mapping?
1. Identify the class name of the window that corresponds to the object.

You can use the Spy++ utility in Visual C++ to identify the class name.

You can also use the Robot Inspector tool by clicking Tools > Inspector.
2. In Robot, click Tools > General Options, and then click the Object

Mapping tab.
3. From the Object type list, select the standard object type to be

associated with the new object class name.
Robot displays the class names already available for that object type in

the Object classes list box.
4. Click Add.
5. Type the class name you identified in step 1 and click OK.
6. Click OK.

39. Modifying or Deleting a Custom Class Name?
1. Click Tools > General Options, and then click the Object Mapping tab.
2. From the Object type list, select the standard object type that is

associated with the object class name.
Robot displays the class names already available for that object type in

the Object classes list.
3. From the Object classes list, select the name to modify or delete.
4. Do one of the following:
- To modify the class name, click Modify. Change the name and click OK.
- To delete the object class mapping, click Delete. Click OK at the
confirmation prompt.
5. Click OK.

40. Restoring the Robot Main Window During Recording?
When Robot is minimized or is hidden behind other windows during

recording, you can bring it to the foreground in any of the following

. Click the Open Robot Window button on the GUI Record toolbar.
. Click the Robot button on the Windows taskbar.
. Use the hot key combination CTRL+SHIFT+F to display the window and

CTRL+SHIFT+H to hide the window.

41. Naming Scripts Automatically?
1. Open the GUI Record Options dialog box.
2. In the General tab, type a prefix in the Prefix box.
Clear the box if you do not want a prefix. If the box is cleared, you

will need to type a name each time you record a new script.
3. Click OK or change other options.
The next time you record a new script, the prefix and a number appear in

the Name box of the Record GUI dialog box.
In the following figure, the autonaming prefix is Test. When you record a

new script, Test7 appears in the Name box because there are six other

scripts that begin with Test.

42. How to change the order of the object recognition methods for an

object type?
1. Open the GUI Record Options dialog box.
2. Click the Object Recognition Order tab.
3. Select a preference in the Object order preference list. If you will

be testing C++ applications, change the object order preference to C++

Recognition Order.
4. From the Object type list, select the object type to modify. The fixed

set of recognition methods for the selected object type appears in the

Recognition method order list in its last saved order.
5. Select an object recognition method in the list, and then click Move

Up or Move Down. Changes made to the recognition method order take place

immediately, and cannot be undone by the Cancel button. To restore the

original default order, click Default.
6. Click OK.

Important Notes:
. Changes to the recognition method order affect scripts that are

recorded after the change. They do not affect the playback of scripts

that have already been recorded.
. Changes to the recognition method order are stored in the project. For

example, if you change the order for the CheckBox object, the new order

is stored in the project and affects all users of that project.
. Changes to the order for an object affect only the currently-selected

preference. For example, if you change the order for the CheckBox object

in the preference, the order is not changed in the C++ preference.

43. How to define an object class and map an object type to it?
1. Identify the class name of the window that corresponds to the object.

You can use the Spy++ utility in Visual C++ to identify the class name.

You can also use the Robot Inspector tool by clicking Tools > Inspector.
2. In Robot, click Tools < General Options, and then click the Object

Mapping tab.
3. From the Object type list, select the standard object type to be

associated with the new object class name. Robot displays the class names

already available for that object type in the Object classes list box.
4. Click Add.
5. Type the class name you identified in step 1 and click OK.
6. Click OK.

44. Pausing and Resuming the Recording of a Script?
To pause recording:
--Click the Pause button on the GUI Record toolbar. Robot indicates a

paused state by:
----Depressing the Pause button.
----Displaying Recording Suspended in the status bar.
----Displaying a check mark next to the Record > Pause command.
To resume recording:
-- Click Pause again.
----Always resume recording with the application-under-test in the same

state that it was in when you paused.

45. How to end the recording of a script?
Click the Stop Recording button on the GUI Record toolbar.

46. How to define script properties?
1. Do one of the following:
. If the script is open, click File > Properties.
. If the script is not open, click File > Open > Script. Select the

script and click the Properties button.
2. In the Script Properties dialog box, define the properties. For

detailed information about an item, click the question mark near the

upper-right corner of the dialog box, and then click the item.
3. Click OK.

47. How to code a script manually?
1. In Robot, click File > New > Script.
2. Type a script name (40 characters maximum) and, optionally, a

description of the script.
3. Click GUI.
4. Click OK. Robot creates an empty script with the following lines:
Sub Main
Dim Result As Integer
'Initially Recorded: 01/17/05 14:55:53
'Script Name: GUI Script
End Sub
5. Begin coding the GUI script.

48. How to add a new action to an existing script?
1. If necessary, open the script by clicking File > Open > Script.
2. If you are currently debugging, click Debug > Stop.
3. In the Script window, click where you want to insert the new actions.

Make sure that the application-under-test is in the appropriate state to

begin recording at the text cursor position.
4. Click the Insert Recording button on the Standard toolbar. The Robot

window minimizes by default, or behaves as specified in the GUI Record

Options dialog box.
5. Continue working with the application-under-test as you normally do

when recording a script.

49. How to add a feature to an existing GUI script?
1. If necessary, open the script by clicking File > Open > Script.
2. If you are currently debugging, click Debug > Stop.
3. In the Script window, click where you want to insert the feature. Make

sure that the application-under-test is in the appropriate state to

insert the feature at the text cursor position.
4. Do one of the following:
- To add the feature without going into recording mode, click the Display

GUI Insert Toolbar button on the Standard toolbar. The Robot Script

window remains open. - To start recording and add the feature, click the

Insert Recording button on the Standard toolbar. The Robot window

minimizes by default, or behaves as specified in the GUI Record Options

dialog box. Click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI Record

5. Click the appropriate button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
6. Continue adding the feature as usual.

50. How to set and clear breakpoints?
1. If necessary, open a script by clicking File > Open> Script.
2. Place the pointer on the line where you want to set a new breakpoint

or clear an existing breakpoint. You can only place a breakpoint on a

line where an SQABasic command is executed. Breakpoints on comments,

labels, and blank lines are not supported. Also, there are a very few

commands that do not support breakpoints (for example, Dim and Sub).
3. Click once to insert a blinking text cursor. (You can also highlight

the entire line or any part of the line.)
4. Click Debug > Set or Clear Breakpoint. If you set a breakpoint, Robot

inserts a solid red circle in the left margin or highlights the line. If

you clear a breakpoint, Robot removes the circle or highlighting.
5. If you set a breakpoint, click Debug > Go. Robot executes as far as

the breakpoint, and then displays a yellow arrow in the left margin of

that line or highlights the line.

51. How to insert a timer while recording or editing a script?
1. Do one of the following:
. If recording, click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI

Record toolbar. . If editing, position the pointer in the script and

click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the Standard toolbar.
2. Click the Start Timer button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
3. Type a timer name (40 characters maximum) and click OK. If you start

more than one timer, make sure you give each timer a different name.
4. Perform the timed activity.
5. Immediately after performing the timed activity, click the Stop Timer

button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
6. Select a timer name from the list of timers you started and click OK.

52. How to insert a log message into a script during recording or

1. Do one of the following:
. If recording, click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI

Record toolbar.
. If editing, position the pointer in the script and click the Display

GUI Insert Toolbar button on the Standard toolbar.
2. Click the Write to Log button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
After playback, you can view logs and messages using TestManager.

53. How to Choose Network Recording?
1. Click Tools Tools Tools Tools > Session Record Options Session Record

Options Session Record Options Session Record Options.
2. Click the Method Method Method Method tab, and click Network recording

Network recording Network recording Network recording.
3. Optionally, click the Method:Network Method:Network Method:Network

Method:Network tab, and select the client/server pair that you will

record. The default is to record all of the network traffic to and from

your computer.
4. Optionally, click the Generator Filtering Generator Filtering

Generator Filtering Generator Filtering tab to specify the network

protocols to include in the script that Robot generates.

54. How to set up and use proxy recording?
# Start Robot on the proxy computer.
# In the Proxy Administration dialog box, match up the proxy computer and

port with each server to be used in the test.
# In the Method:Proxy Method:Proxy Method:Proxy Method:Proxy tab of the

Session Record Options dialog box, match up each client with the server

it will send requests to. Be sure to specify the actual server and not

the proxy computer.
# Configure each client to send requests to the proxy computer, not to

the server. For example, if the client will be sending requests to an

Oracle database, use the Oracle client configuration software to specify

the proxy computer’s address and port number, not the server’s.
# On each client computer, a tester should start the client application

and navigate to the point where recording will begin.
# On the proxy computer, enable recording (File File File File > Record

Session Record Session Record Session Record Session).
# With recording enabled, each tester at each client computer performs

the transactions to record.
# When all transactions are complete, stop recording on the proxy


55. How to create a proxy computer?
1. Click Tools Tools Tools Tools > Session Record Options Session Record

Options Session Record Options Session Record Options.
2. Click the Method Method Method Method tab and make sure that Proxy

recording Proxy recording Proxy recording Proxy recording is selected.
3. Click the Method:Proxy Method:Proxy Method:Proxy Method:Proxy tab.
4. Click Proxy Admin Proxy Admin Proxy Admin Proxy Admin.
5. In Proxy:Port Proxy:Port Proxy:Port Proxy:Port, specify the proxy

computer’s port number. Note that Robot has already detected and

specified the proxy computer’s name. You can specify any available port

number. Avoid the well-known ports (those below 1024). If you specify a

port number that is unavailable, Robot prompts you for a new port number.
6. In the Server:Port Server:Port Server:Port Server:Port list, select a

server involved in the test.
7. Click Create Proxy Create Proxy Create Proxy Create Proxy.

56. How to add a client or server computer?
If you are using network or proxy recording, and the computer that you

want to use is not listed in the Method Network and Method Proxy tabs,

you can add it to the list.
1. Click Tools > Session Record Options
2. Click the Method:Network tab or Method:Proxy tab, depending on whether

you are adding a computer for network or proxy recording.
3. Click Manage Computers.
4. Click New.
5. In the Name box of the Computers group, type a name to associate with

the network name of the computer that you are adding. You can assign any

name up to 40 characters.
6. Type the computer’s network name.
7. Optionally, click Ping to make sure that the network name you just

typed is correct. If it is correct, -Successful Ping of network name-

appears in the status bar.
8. Select Client System to list this computer as a client. Select Server

System to list this computer as a server. You can select both choices.
9. Click Add.
10. Take the following steps to use a port number with the network name.

A port number is required for servers used in proxy recording:
a. In the Ports Ports Ports Ports group, type a name to associate with

the port number that you are adding. You can assign any name up to 40

b. Type the port number to use with the computer’s network name.
c. Click Apply, then OK .
11. Click Close Close Close Close.

57. How to Recording a Single Script in a Session?
1. In Robot, click the Record Session button. Alternatively, click File >

Record Session, or press CTRL+SHIFT+R.
2. Ty p e t h e session name (40 characters maximum), or accept the

default name. You will specify the script name when you finish recording

the script. If you have not yet set your session recording options, do so

now by clicking Options.
3. Click OK in the Record Session - Enter Session Name dialog box. The

following events occur:
. Robot is minimized (default behavior).
. The Session Record floating toolbar appears (default behavior). You can

use this toolbar to stop recording, redisplay Robot, split a script, and

insert features into a script.
. The Session Recorder icon appears on the taskbar. The icon blinks as

Robot captures requests and responses.
4. If the Start Application dialog box is displayed, provide the

following information, and click OK:
. The path of the executable file for the browser or database

. Optionally, the working directory for any components (such as DLLs)

that the client application needs at runtime.
. Optionally, any arguments that you want to pass to the client

application. The Start Application dialog box appears only if you are

performing API recording, or if you are performing network or proxy

recording and selected Prompt for application name on start recording in

the General tab of the Session Record Options dialog box.
5. Perform the transactions that you want to record. As the application

sends requests to the server, notice the activity in the Session Recorder

window. Progress bars and request statistics appear in the top of the

If there is no activity in the Session Recorder window (or if the Session

Recorder icon never blinks), there is a problem with the recording. Stop

recording and try to find the cause of the problem.
6. Optionally, insert features such as blocks and timers through the

Session Insert floating toolbar or through the Robot Insert menu.
7. Optionally, when you finish recording transactions, close the client

application. With API recording, when you close the client, Robot asks

whether you want to stop recording. If so, click Yes, and either name the

session or click to ignore the recorded information in the Generating

Scripts dialog box.
8. Click the Stop Recording button on the Session Record floating


58. How to stop recording and generate scripts in a Session?
1. Click the Stop Recording button on the Session Record floating

2. In the Name of the just-recorded script box, type or select a name for

the script that you just finished recording, or accept the default name.
3. Click OK.

59. How to see error message If problems occur during script generation?
the error message appears in the status bar of the Generating Scripts

dialog box like this: "Completed with warnings and/or errors"
To see the list of errors, click Details. If the text of an error is

truncated, you can either:
. Double-click the text to see the entire message.
. Press CTRL+C to copy the text to the Clipboard.

60. How to cancelling a Script in a Single-Script Session?
1. During recording, click the Stop button on the Session Record floating

2. In the Stop Recording dialog box, click Ignore just-recorded

3. Click OK in the Stop Recording dialog box.
4. Click OK to acknowledge that the session is being deleted.

61. When would you want to split a session?
If quick script development time is a priority - perhaps because testable

builds are developed daily, or because web content is updated daily.

62. How to split a session into multiple scripts?
1. During recording, at the point where you want to end one script and

begin a new one, click the Split Script button on the Session Record

floating toolbar.
2. Enter a name for the script that you are ending, or accept the default

3. Click OK.
4. Repeat the previous steps as many times as needed to end one script

and begin another. 5. After you click the Stop Recording button to end

the recording session, type or select a name for the last script you

recorded, or accept the default name.

63. How to regenerate Scripts from a Session?
1. In Robot, click Tools > Regenerate Test Scripts from Session.
2. Click the name of the session to use.
3. Click OK to acknowledge that the regeneration operation is complete.

64. How Timers Work?
1. Start the timer (click Insert--Start Timer) just before you click the

button to send the query. This action inserts the VU emulation command

start_time into the script.
2. Stop the timer (click Insert --Stop Timer) as soon as the results

appear. This action inserts the VU emulation command stop_time into the


65. What is a block?
A block is a set of contiguous lines of code that you want to make

distinct from the rest of the script.

66. What is a blocks characteristics?
# A block begins with the comment. In the VU language, a block begins

like this:
/* Start_Block "BlockName" */
# Robot automatically starts a timer at the start of the block. In the VU

language, the timer looks like this:
start_time ["BlockName"] _fs_ts;
Typically, the start_time emulation command is inserted after the first

action, but with an argument to use a read-only variable that refers to

the start of the first action.
# The ID of every emulation command in a block is constructed the same

way that is, by the block name followed by a unique, three-digit

autonumber. For example, in the VU language:
http_header_recv ["BlockName002"] 200;
When you end a block, command IDs are constructed as they were before you

started the block. For example, if the last command ID before the block

was Script025, the next command ID after the block will be Script026.
# A block ends with a stop_time command plus a comment. For example, in

the VU language:
stop_time ["BlockName"]; /* Stop_Block */

67. Why Use Blocks?
. To associate the block and timer names with the emulation command that

performs the transaction.
. To include the block name in TestManager reports, thus enabling you to

filter the reports with the block name.
.To make the script easier to read, and to provide an immediate context

for a line within the block through command IDs.

68. How to insert a block into a script?
1. If the Session Insert floating toolbar is not already displayed, click

the Insert button on the Session Record floating toolbar.
2. Click the Start Block button at that point in the script where you

want the block to begin for example, just before you start to record a

3. Type the block name. Robot uses this name as the prefix for all

command IDs in the block. The maximum number of characters for a command

ID prefix is seven.
4. Click OK.
5. Record all of the client requests in the block.
6. Click the Stop Block button to end the current block, and click OK.
7. Continue recording the other sections of the script. When you start

and stop a block during recording, the commands are reported as

annotations in the Annotations window.

69. What is A synchronization point?
A synchronization point lets you coordinate the activities of a number of

virtual testers by pausing the execution of each tester at a particular


70. Why Use Synchronization Points?
By synchronizing virtual testers to perform the same activity at the same

time, you can make that activity occur at some particular point of

interest in your test. Typically, synchronization points that you insert

into scripts are used in conjunction with timers to determine the effect

of varying workload on the timed activity.


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